Ebay Fashion Dupes

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Living on a little island it's difficult to find certain items, but with some searching high and low you can almost find what you want or something similar. Then comes the cost. So I decided to put together  some of my recent Dupe finds from ebay. (All these sellers ship to the Uk & to Malta).

1. AA Disco pants dupe £16.99 - link / Rhi from Othersideofcool also found a good dupe from Zara (see post)
2. Jeffery Campbell Dupes : £32.99 - link
3. Peter Pan collar £ 4.45 - link
4. Zara Shopper bag Dupe: £15.99 -link

I've already ordered the Shopped bag, and I really want the JC Lita dupes, but I'm already really tall, but I do love love love them!

What's your favourite dupe, send me the links I'd love to see.


  1. The zara bag looks identical! WOW! I need to start shopping on ebay and save a few penny's :D x

    1. I know it's great you can find all sorts if you search hard enough :) xx

  2. I love to find dupes. I live in a small town where shopping is not that great. Thanks to Ebay and online stores, I was able to find a lot of dupes.

    Found your blog through blog-hop, following you :)

    Hope you will check out mine too, http://mui28.blogspot.com

    1. That's why i love internet shopping, although I do miss holding things before i buy them and getting to talk out the store with a bag :) xx

  3. Those heels are awesome! I'm 5ft9 and I don't care about towering over people, I love shoes more than I care about what people think! I found your blog through the bloghop and I'm following you now x :-)

    1. We're the same height :) I think i'd be too self conscious, or I need to get taller friends lol :)


  4. I've been contemplating the Zara shopper dupe from eBay.... I'm a little unsure thanks to bad knock off experiences in the past from eBay!

    I am a brand new follower from bloghop. My blog is: http://superficialsydney.blogspot.com.au/

    1. Hey, thanks for following. I did my research on the bag and seen photos of people who'd bought it from this seller.

      Will post photos of mine when it arrives as well.

  5. Hi I found you through the blog hop ( I was this weeks co host) an really like your blog, am now following :) I love this post so useful :) xx

    A Scholar Life

  6. I really want the Lita boots - love the coral colour on Ebay!!xx
    Samantha's Secret
