**Warning contains unruly eyebrows**
The Clinic itself if very modern and very clean, not like your usual salon. They offer everything from Manicures to hair transplants, and the place does have a Clinic feel to it. Which I personally liked. My brows were done by the lovely and very talented IIona (the only HD brow specialist on the Island), I had to wait over a month for my appointment so I was hoping it would be worth the wait!
So here is the before photo (I let them get so bad so they could have more to work with).
As you can see they are extremely uneven, over grown and misshapen! And here is the finished result:
What a difference!
The whole process took around 1 hr. There was tinting, waxing, threading, tweezing, trimming, powder, pencil - the works!
The whole thing for virtually pain free. It was the first time I'd had threading done, which I found to be a very bizarre sensation.
IIona was very knowledgeable and helpful showing my how to maintain my new look. Once waking away with perfect brows you still need daily care to keep them looking good. Such as filling in any gaps you may have until you've grown our own perfect shape. (This takes around 2 -3 HD brow treatments to grow your own hair).
When I first seen the first result I have to admit I was quite shocked at how "Full" they were, as I wasn't used to seeing myself with such defined brows. But after 10 mins...I realised they were in fact the perfect brows and couldn't stop looking at them for the rest of they day! It's amazing how something so small can make such a difference to your face.
I am now fully converted to HD brows!
The treatment cost €30
They also have a great offer - have 5 HD brow treatments and get your 6th Free!
Now for the most exciting part (for me anyway). Rumour has it, that IIona will shortly be doing HD Brow parties! This makes me excited beyond belief as I love nothing more than getting together with the girls and being pampered! As soon as it's available I'll let you all know as I was thinking about hosting one!
If you're interested in booking an appointment you can contact IIona directly at: Cillinas@gmail.com
Or if you're interested in the HD Brow party, leave a comment below and I'll keep you updated.