Shavata Tweezers - Totally Tropical Collection

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Everyone has their "thing", that one thing they obsess about and mine is eyebrows, as I've mentioned before. I've tweezed, threaded, waxed, and even HD brow'd them. I am on a quest for the worlds most perfect eyebrows, but alas they not perfect but they're getting there. 

When the lovely people at contacted me and asked if i'd like to try out some Shavanta tweezers, I couldn't say yes quick enough. For those who don't know, Shavanta is the brow guru. This woman can perform a mini face lift in 15 minutes with just some tweezers and wax.

While personally I like to go the salon to have my eyebrows waxed once a month or so, I still need mini top-ups throughout the month and I do this by using tweezers, now my new Shavata Tweezers!

While I need the beautician to give me a starting shape, I maintain my brows using tweezers to get rid of the nasty stray hairs that just seems to pop up over night (seriously, where do they come from?).

Shavata have just launched their Totally Tropical Tweezer collection which comes in 6 amazing designs: - Neon, Sunglasses, Swimsuit, Bikini, Flip Flip, Kiki Cocktail and cupcakes and Cherry Glitter.

The newly design Slanted tweezers provide a wider grip area and are especially good at removing hair in bulk with great accuracy. Each pair of tweezers is made with a stainless steel base, to help you"tweeze in a breeze".

So if your in the market for some new tweezers, or need something to brighten up your make up bag - Shavata tweezers are a great addition.

Shavata Totally Tropical Collection is available from (here)
Prices start from £9.95*

MAC Angel

Monday, 20 August 2012

After being duped into buying a fake MAC Angel lipstick (see post) from an online shop here in Malta, I didn't want to risk it and bought Angel from the MAC store so I knew I was getting the real deal.

Now I have quite a lot of MAC lipsticks - well not as much as some people but I do have a few and this is one of the few lipsticks that goes with almost anything. Angel is a soft pink which enhances my natural lip colour, it's so subtle yet still there. I like how it's not too in your face. It's not what I was expecting but I love it.

Like all MAC lipsticks, it's slightly vanilla smelling but it doesn't smell once it's on the lips. The formula goes on the lips smoothly.

If anyone is looking to buy their first MAC lipstick, I highly recommend you try this one out.

MAC Angel is priced £13.50 and is available online and in stores.

My Night Time Skin Care Routine

Saturday, 18 August 2012

So I thought I'd do a Vlog today. I hope you enjoy it, I was quite nervous as you can probably tell. So I hope you enjoy it, I'll be making more soon.

Elle xx

My Nail Polish Rack

It seems like forever that I've been searching for a cheap but nice nail polish storage solution, so I was really happy when I found this affordable one on for under £10 (£9.90). All the others i've found were £25+ and I wasn't prepared to pay that for something so simple!

It's clear acrylic stand with 3 tiers, and holds around 30 nail polish bottles depending on the bottle shape and size, as you can see I have a mixture in mine and it holds 29.

I now have this sitting on my dressing table so I can see what colour I want to choose. I actually have more nail polishes so I'll need to buy another one, but for now I have my favourite colours on show.

Available from Amazon priced £9.90
(shipping to the uk only)

How do you store your nail polish?

17 Va Va Voom Mascara

Monday, 6 August 2012

I've been looking for a new mascara for a while, but couldn't decide on which one to get, so when I saw the Va Va Voom mascara get a 5 star rating on the Boots website, I decided to pop it into my basket.

The first time I got to test this out was at a BBQ at our friends house, as someone who I'd never met before asked me I was had eyelash extensions. I was quite flattered but I put it all down to my new mascara.

I'm lucky enough to be blessed with naturally long lashes, but this mascara does length and thicken. I've been wearing it every day since I bought it and can confirm it does give you some "Va Va Voom"

The shade I'm wearing it Blackest black and as you can see my lashes are really black, and for a mere £6.29 I think it definitely gives the premium brands a run for their money.

What's your favourite mascara?

Va Va Voom Mascara by 17 costs £6.29
and it's available online or in Boots stores

Chanel - Eye Makeup Remover Review

Friday, 3 August 2012

A few weeks ago I was in Franks (The Maltese equivalent of Boots - or the closest you'll get) and thought I would get myself a little treat. So I chose some Chanel Eye Makeup Remover, which cost about  27 (I can't remember the exact amount,  as I threw the receipt away in a handbag clear out!).

Like any Eye makeup remover, it does what it says on the tin. I takes my eye makeup off rather well, but gently. I've actually got myself into a nice little night time skin care routine that I'm enjoying at the moment (but that's for another post), and my Chanel eye makeup remover is an essential part of my new routine.

Did I really need to spend all that on an eye makeup remove? Probably not, but a gal gets to have a little luxury in her life from time to time and this was my little treat to myself. If you're looking to treat yourself to some Chanel skin care, this is one of their cheaper items and it's something you'll always need and it is a practical choice really (or so I've been telling myself)

What's your little bit of luxury?

Chanel Eye Makeup Remover is available online at priced £21.50 
(Also from selected stores)