On Saturday, I ventured into Sliema to attend the "Kiss & Make up" launch at the Soap Cafe. A new cruelty free, and all natural makeup line.

The soap cafe is one of those places I keep meaning to go, but I've just never got round to, and let me tell you it didn't disappoint.
Situated on a little quiet street just a few minutes walk from the Strand, the Soap cafe is one of Sliema's little gems. Sometimes we forget about the smaller independent stores while everyone flocks to The Point, but it's these places in my opinion where we find the best things!
Unfortunately, I never managed to take any pictures of the event. The place was packed when I arrived.
Not only were there scrubs, bath bombs and lotions and potions everywhere, "Hey Birdie-pie!" a vintage and second hand clothing pop up shop was there too selling everything from vintage tights to fabulous fur coats.
With everything to choose from it was hard to walk away empty handed. So here's what I picked up..
If you can't see clearly in the photo it's actually a giant pink cupcake bath bomb!! And it smells amazing. I can't wait to use it.
The second item I got was Mineral Bronzer in shade "perfect glow". I just so happened I drop my Mac bronzer last week, and had left my spare in the UK, so I needed a new one anyway. It's a lovely shimmery golden colour, perfect for giving that summer beachy glow. I can see me using this a lot in the summer...once I'm a little more tanned.
Have you been to the Soap Cafe?