Mistletoe's - Christmas Pedicure

Sunday, 11 December 2011

I thought I would try something different this afternoon and jazz up my feet a little. I wanted a christmasy feel, so I had a rummage around and found some glitter that I bought from ebay a few months ago..and this was the final result (please excuse my feet, I wasn't destained to be a foot model! lol)

This was a lot easier and a lot less messy than I thought it would be, and super quick. It only took around 5-10 minutes. If you fancy some mistletoe's, here is how:

1. Paint nails as normal with dark red/berry polish. I chose 17 "Ruby Gem"

2. Apply 2nd coat or clear top coat to one nail

3. Sprinkle with glitter. I bought a 12 pack from ebay for £2.28 (here)

Be sure to have something under your feet when sprinkling glitter, because it will go everywhere. I used the lid from the box all the glitter came in.

4 . Once glitter has covered the whole nail, apply top coat.

5. Repeat with every nail.

Now your done. You'll probably notice there is excess glitter around your toes, the best way to get this off with just run your toes under some water to wash the glitter off (not blasting water, that might damage your handy work!)

Do you like Mistletoe's, or will you be keeping them covered this winter?


  1. pretty color. x

    p.s. I'm having a giveaway from This Is Transition if you'd like to check it out. :)

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